Our mission is to sharpen men into the husbands, fathers, and leaders that God designed us to be. Everything that we do is to help men be more like Jesus Christ.
In Men's Alliance, we're not trying to be liked by everyone. We're for the men who would rather be in the Hells Angels than the Promise Keepers, men who smoke cigars, drink bourbon, shoot guns, and don't pretend to be perfect when they go to church.
Barbarian: Someone who does not conform to the prevailing culture. Romans 12:2 tells us to not be conformed to this world. Ambassador: A person who represents his sovereign to a foreign land. 2 Corinthians 5:20 tells us that we are called to be ambassadors for Jesus in this world. Our mascot, named "B.A." is a skeleton wearing a top hat. This reminds us to be both non-conforming Barbarians as well as prepared Ambassadors.
Every workout should be an epic challenge that pushes you to your limit. However, everyone should go at their own speed and is encouraged to just do what they are able to do. We want you to have fun - and not die!
We're not a workout group - we're a Tribe. Every Tribe has a 30-minute real-world devotion around a fire. This helps men grow spiritually, as well as grow closer to one another in brotherhood. Men's Alliance is a Christian organization that trains men to become ambassadors for Jesus. We're not just a workout group that prays to a "higher power."
Definitely! The workout is not a requirement. The important part is the real-world devotion around the fire. If you need any assistance in getting there just call the local Tribe Leader.
Great question! A real-world devotion is when a man shares the real things that he is personally going through. Maybe it's an encouraging word from the Bible that helped him, a current struggle he is dealing with, or a topic that he'd like to hear his Tribe's thoughts on. In short, it's personal. It is not an academic lesson, a Bible study, or going through a book together.
We don't use any curriculum. Each real-world devotion is whatever the leader has on his heart and mind that week. This way we are never just checking the box for this week's chapter, and every single week the topic is relevant.
Men's Alliance comes along side of local churches like a high-octane fuel additive to any men's ministry program! We bring in more men and their families to every church that we partner with, and we awaken and revitalize the men in every church!
Nope. Just bring a bottle of water and show up - we're ready for you! Click on the Tribe nearest you to learn more.
Men's Alliance Tribes are always free! As a non-profit organization we run purely on donations from people whose lives have been changed by MA.
Absolutely! Men's Alliance is open to all men regardless of their beliefs. However, in order to lead a devotion in Men's Alliance a man must agree with our Statement of Faith.
That's awesome that you workout with your daughter - keep it up! But Men's Alliance is only for biological men. No exceptions.
Yes! Men's Alliance is a great place for young men to find strong Christian mentors! Feel free to drop him off at any Men's Alliance Tribe, or call the local Tribe Leader if he needs transportation.
No, we are interdenominational and we affiliate with anyone who agrees with our Statement of Faith.
The word church means "body of believers" so technically whenever two or three believers are gathered around a fire - that is a church. However, we're not competing with local churches. In fact, we encourage men to attend a local church, and take their families every Sunday.
Yes! We are partnered with over 120 local churches across the country. We love the church and we want to help it reach more men! That's why we offer Men's Alliance to local churches at no cost! We have a Tribe Launch Team ready to help you!
What do you mean by cult? If you mean a sinister organization that's pursuing power and pleasure, and threatens to kill you if you leave - then no. If you mean a brotherhood that gathers around a fire doing sandbag bear crawls and recites a creed together - then yes.
Absolutely not! All biological men are welcomed to attend Men's Alliance. The only group we discriminate against is vegans.
Skulls are not evil or weird. We all have one, and we'll all leave it behind when we die. The image of a skull is a "memento mori" - something which reminds us of our own mortality. In Men's Alliance, we use it as a reminder that isolation is terminal, and what kind of legacy will we leave behind.
First of all, we love coffee cake! We just know that men don't bond over it! Men bond during a shared physical struggle. That's why a man's best friend is probably from his days playing a sport or being in the military. Too many churches offer only a breakfast and expect their men to bond over it. In Men's Alliance we offer tire flipping, sledgehammer swinging, and battle ropes instead of coffee cake.
We're not really sure either...