Mission bg
We are Barbarian Ambassadors.

The Men’s Alliance Team

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David Mills

- Founder & Director

My name is Dave “Goose” Mills and spending my career in Air Force flying squadrons taught me how tribes are formed, how they operate, and how they save lives. I’ve seen how isolated men are and how badly they need a tribe, and I created Men’s Alliance to fix that problem and help men become the husbands, fathers, and leaders that God designed us to be.

I believe that healthy men create healthy families, and healthy families create a healthy country. So, if we want to improve the world, we must start with the men.

Goose has been married for 23 years, has 4 kids, and is the Founder and Director of Men’s Alliance.

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Ray Wageman

- Deputy Director

My name is Ray “Thor” Wageman. I am a US Army National Guard Veteran. I’ve been married to a wonderful woman for over 30 years and we have 5 amazing children. I’ve been a part of Men’s Alliances since the launch of Charle Tribe in 2020.

Part of my personal mission statement is to equip, encourage and mobilize men to be better leaders of their families, churches and communities. I'm humbled that I get to fulfill this mission through M.A.

Thor is the Deputy Director of M.A., ensuring the leadership, communication, and mission of M.A. are held to the highest standard.

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Josh Bufford

- Director of Operations

Josh “Sheepdog” Bufford loves to entertain, throw a party, and bring friends and colleagues along. Learning new skills and appreciating God‘s creation from the arts, motors and machines, carpentry, nature and more make life full and wonderful. As the M.A. Director of Experiences, Sheepdog oversees our unforgettable, life-changing experiences that train men and impact families!

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Todd Hamm

- Director of Tribes

My name is Todd “Phoenix” Hamm. Like so many others, I fell deep in to the world's dangerous lies about isolation, comfort, and putting up a facade. I was floating through life on the sidelines and was not a good husband, father, or leader. I made some massive mistakes that nearly put me in the ground. In my darkest time, God graciously put Men's Alliance in my life and used it to show me the importance of a true brotherhood, getting out of my comfort zone, and being real with others and myself.

Through Men's Alliance, God has used my experiences and connected me with other men who have gone through similar struggles or are going down a similar path. Trust in Him and He will use you, too.

I am blessed with a beautiful wife, Kelly, and two amazing children!

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Rick Wells

- Director of Experiences

My brothers call me Gladiator. I am a retired Army First Sergeant. I had an amazing career jumping out of planes, teaching combatives and was fortunate enough to serve at the highest level of special operations. I've been able to train, mentor, and lead soldiers for over 22 years. Near the end of my career, I was searching for what my next mission would be. God, in his providence, led me to Men's Alliance. I was able to align my passion for training and leading men with my purpose of sharing the gospel and pointing people to Jesus. Men's Alliance filled a huge gap that leaving the service created in my life - that is having a band of brothers you can count on to share in the good times and struggle alongside you through the hard times. Thanks to Men's Alliance, this old soldier gets to continue the mission by leading an elite team of cadre that provides the highest level of apologetics and leadership training in our Carry the Fire experience. I can't wait to see you men around our fire.

Gladiator is married, and they have a defensive line worth of kids. Gladiator's family is his primary mission field.

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Jeff VanAtta

- Deputy Director of Experiences

My name is Jeff “Fresh” VanAtta. I am a Husband and Father of two. My work experience has given me the experience and passion for launching new programs and building new teams. Mens’ Alliance has given me the confidence to get off the sidelines and share my faith with others. When not participating in Men’s Alliance events, I am involved in scouting, hiking, and running.

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Ryan Baker

- Director of Outreach

My name is Ryan “Quack” Baker. I have been married for 21 years to my amazing wife Courtney. We are blessed with two children, a daughter named Payton and son named Grayson. I have worked in the fire service for 25 years. God was not always a priority for me, but once I placed him at the top, life took off. My purpose and passion collided, and God began to direct and use me. Men’s Alliance gives me a place to be vulnerable, real and held accountable every day.

Quack is the M.A. Director of Outreach to educate churches and small group directors about Men’s Alliance.

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Chris Guillory

- Director of Start the Fire

My name is Chris “Eagle” Guillory. I am married to my beautiful high school sweetheart of over 29 years, Jamie. We are blessed with an amazing daughter McKayla and son-in-law Jarod (Apache), who are both Army Officers. We have incredible two sons Taylor (Charger) who is an Army mechanic, and Zachary (Locks) who is a junior in high school, who are both patched members of MA. I am an Army Officer, and continue to serve after almost 25 years, living out my childhood passion of playing GI Joe!

Men’s Alliance has helped me to become the husband, father, and leader God called me to be. The practical apologetics training is sharpening me to be able to meet people where they are and point them to Jesus.

I have been a part of Men’s Alliance since the spring of 2023 and am the RVA South Regional Advisor and tribe leader of Gibborim Tribe.


Dusty Parker

- Director of Product Development & Podcast Cohost

My name is Dusty "Shadow" Parker, I am just a regular guy who's been able to do some pretty cool stuff throughout my life. Men's Alliance has given me what I was missing from the teams I served in while in the Marines. Being around men who sharpen me daily and are there for me whenever I need, is a feeling that cannot be measured. I currently work for the Department of Defense (I've said too much...) I am forever grateful to God for bringing Men's Alliance into my life. I have a smoking hot wife and 2 awesome kids. As the Director of Product Development and Podcast Cohost, Shadow ensures we are putting out the best merchandise and ensures you get a good laugh from the podcast every now and then.

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Chris Loboda

- Devotion Chief

My name is Chris “Warden” Loboda. I have been attending Tribe meetings since November 2022. I “stalked” MA for a while, but it was at the wise suggestion of my best friend and wife Renee that I finally attended and have not looked back. Renee and I have been married for 39 years and we have 4 sons, 4 daughters-in-law, and 4 grandchildren.

I am a retired NYS Prison Lieutenant, retired Navy Reserve Security LDO, and a retired Federal Antiterrorism Officer. I have served with many men in my life, but the bonds I have formed with my MA brothers are deeper and more meaningful than in any of my careers. Now, I truly do have a band of brothers.

Currently I am finishing my bachelor's degree in Theology and Biblical Studies at Liberty University. I feel God has sent me on a mission of ministry to the men of this world. I bring the Word to the men in Virginia’s State Prisons and to my fellow Tribesmen. In my spare time I am a beekeeper, hunter, love traveling with my wife and playing with my grandchildren.

As the MA Devotion Chief, my goal is to ensure all of the MA Tribes adhere to our Statement of Faith, Core Values, and God's words. My mission is to ensure the Devotion time of our gatherings are just as meaningful and real as our workouts, and that our Prayer Warriors continue to cover all of Men’s Alliance in prayer.

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Josh Davis

- Workout Chief

My name is Joshua “Ranger” Davis. I have been married for 11 years and my wife and I have 2 amazing sons. I am retired from the Army and after spending many years around men trying to attain the same mission goals, I needed something like that for my walk with Christ. Men’s Alliance has helped me live out my faith and become a better husband, father and leader. I have been a part of Men’s Alliance since the launch of Charlie Tribe in 2020.

As the M.A. Workout Chief, Ranger constantly raises the bar by coming up with creative new ways to hurt us.

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Connor Dillingham

- Director of Strategy

My name is Connor “Chief” Dillingham. After spending decades in the Coast Guard, I missed having shipmates. Men’s Alliance not only filled that gap but fulfilled a void that I have been yearning for a long time – true brotherhood. Now, I share a common bond with many brothers that strive to be better in every way, as God intended. Doing life as part of a TRIBE!

Chief is the M.A. Director of Strategy, focusing on both growth and retention, and ensuring that men love their Tribe so much they want to get it tattooed!

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Robert Braxton

- Treasurer & CFO

Robby “Crunch” Braxton has lived in the Greater Richmond area for over 10 years. His callsign comes from his work as a tax lawyer where he crunches numbers and the law each day. He enjoys spending time with his family, watching movies, working out, and cheering on his beloved Florida Gators. He and his family also enjoy traveling around Virginia and doing fun activities together.

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Blake Bowen

- General Counsel

My name is Blake “Big Red” Bowen. I am first and foremost a Christ follower and secondly a husband and father to 2 children. I earned my J.D. from Regent University Law School. After years of living in isolation I was approached out of the blue and told about Men’s Alliance. I attended the first workout/devotional and continued ever since. Men’s alliance has been a catalyst for helping me grow into a better Christ follower, husband, father and man in general. It is an honor to use my gifting and education to help such an organization.