Ambassador Training 3: Who Made God?

Learn how to answer the common question "Who made God?" and learn one of the oldest and best arguments for the existence of God - the Kalam Cosmological Argument. Remember:  Atheists believe that the entire universe came into existence from NOTHING. This takes more blind faith to believe than any miracle recorded in the Bible! --- Support this podcast:

Apr 13
26 min
Iron Sharpens Iron

Past Episodes


Ep 164: Tribe Leadership

Men’s Alliance

Jonny 'Torque' Hester and Berek 'Next' Dostie discuss the hardest challenges and the most rewarding aspects of being a Tribe Leader. Men’s Alliance builds leaders and the Tribe Leader is the heartbeat of MA! Sponsor: Hawkins Health and Fitness Nick 'Coach' Hawkins Find out more: 804-638-1386 --- Support this podcast:

Jan 04
1 hr 01 min
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Ep 104: Choose to Carry More

Men’s Alliance

You have already chosen right over wrong, now it's time to choose to carry more.  As leaders, we should look for opportunities to shoulder more of the load, and to do it quietly, without needing any fanfare. --- Support this podcast:

Oct 20
30 min
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Ep 60: The Real Pandemic pt. 2 w/ Blake & Josh

Men’s Alliance

Listen in as 3 guys discuss tools that can effectively break the addiction to pornography and sex.   Resources mentioned: Soul Refiner Pure Desire Sexaholics Anonymous (aka The White Book) Addictive Thinking --- Support this podcast:

Nov 19
16 min
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Mission Briefing 10: Jesus vs the Church

Men’s Alliance

Men don't want to be invited into a relationship, they want to be challenged with a difficult adventure. And that’s exactly what Jesus offered everyone he spoke with. Are you up for the challenge? --- Support this podcast:

Feb 05
13 min
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Ambassador Training 1: Relativism, Pluralism & Scientism

Men’s Alliance

We're called to be Ambassador's for Christ (2 Cor 5:20) but how can we do that well if we don't know how to respond to the most common objections that the world has? In Round #1 of Ambassador Training, we'll look at each of the following objections to Christianity: Relativism - "There is no such thing as absolute truth. You have yours and I have mine." Pluralism - "All paths lead to God, there is more than one correct way." Scientism - "Only science yields truth; religion is merely a matter of opinion." Sources: McGrath, Alister. (2012). Mere Apologetics: How to help seekers & skeptic find faith. Grand Rapids, Michigan:  Baker Publishing Group. Lewis, C.S. (2001). Mere Christianity. New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Moreland, J.P. (2018). Scientism and Secularism: Learning how to respond to a dangerous ideology. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway. Geisler, Norman & Turek, Frank. (2004). I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist. Wheaton, Illinois:  Crossway. Koukl, Gregory. (2019). Tactics: 10th Anniversary Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. --- Support this podcast:

Mar 16
27 min
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