The best way to read most books is from the beginning. The Bible is not most books, there is a better way to read the Bible. Listen as Goose and Shadow discuss the best way to read the Bible to gain the deepest understanding. Want a way to leave a legacy for your children, use a study Bible and record/highlight your thoughts for future generations. Need to purchase anything on Amazon? Use our smile link when shopping Using smile gives a portion of the profits to Men's Alliance that allow us to fulfill our mission. Study Bible recommendations: New Life Translation Life Application Study Bible Christian Standard Bible Apologetics study Bible John MacArthur study Bible Book recommendations: Irresistible by Andy Stanley (required reading for patch members) Grace of God by Andy Stanley --- Support this podcast:
We are not tasked with living an easy life, but are commanded by Jesus to do things that are hard. Listen to some of his commands and think about those in the Bible who have experienced hard times. The world has gotten to comfortable where even driving to work is now considered a hardship. Learn about the concept of Misogi and how it can help you create challenges that will truly test you, instead of easy goals that we can achieve. Link to the Hard Times Create Strong Men Image --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeTo all wives, follow these steps to evaluate your relationship with your husband. --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeMen’s Alliance partners with local churches to achieve our mission of sharpening men to be the husbands, fathers, and leaders that God designed us to be. Men’s Alliance does not take the place of the church, instead engaging men in the local church and their communities. --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeJonny 'Torque' Hester and Berek 'Next' Dostie discuss the hardest challenges and the most rewarding aspects of being a Tribe Leader. Men’s Alliance builds leaders and the Tribe Leader is the heartbeat of MA! Sponsor: Hawkins Health and Fitness Nick 'Coach' Hawkins Find out more: 804-638-1386 --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeDavid Nunnery from Teach Them Diligently, joins Goose this week to talk homeschooling, and leading your family in discipleship. There doesn't have to be a reason you are running away from traditional school such as a bad teacher or a bully. The important thing is making sure you have a mission for why you are homeschooling. Need more resources or want to learn more about homeschooling? Check out the links below: Find out more about David: Teach them Diligently -website Homeschooling Families - Podcast Meet other Home school Parents - conventions Sponsor: Hawkins Health and Fitness Nick 'Coach' Hawkins Find out more: 804-638-1386 --- Support this podcast:
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